
Oct 13, 2010

Our National Heroes.

Juan Rafael Mora Porras (1814-1860)

National Heroes of Costa Rica.
If Costa Rica did not have to fight a war of Independence, then who are its National Heroes?
Our National Campain of 1956-1957 maybe substitutes for the war of independence that Central America had not experienced.
By 1855 William Walkers`s stablished regime in Nicaragua was considered a threat by Costa Rican government.
Walker was a physician, a lawyer, and a journalist from Tennessee, who organized several private military expeditions into Latin America , with the intention of establishing slave colonies under his personal control, an enterprise then known as Filibustering.  (A filibuster, or freebooter, is someone who engages in an unauthorized military expedition into a foreign country to foment or support a revolution).
He began recruiting american supporters of Slavery and of the Manifest Destiny Doctrine, ( in the 19th century followers of the Manifest Destiny believed that expansion of the USA across the north american region was present, (manifest) and inexorable (destiny).
In 1853, Walker tried to conquer Baja California and Sonora, Mexico. He declared the capital of a new Republic of Lower California, with himself as president and put the region under the laws of the American state of Louisiana, which made slavery legal. Although he never gained control of Sonora, three months later, he pronounced Baja California part of the larger Republic of Sonora. Strong resistance by the Mexican government quickly forced Walker to retreat.
In 1854, a civil war started in Nicaragua between the Conservative party based in the city of Granada, and the Liberal party based in Leon. The Liberal party found military support from Walker who, obtained a contract from president President Francisco Castellon to fight against legitimate president Fruto Chamorro.

Juan Rafael Mora Porras (1814-1860)

In Costa Rica 1849, Juan Rafael Mora Porras first assumed the presidency following Jose Maria Castro`s resignation and was subsequently reelected in 1853 and 1859.

President Juan Rafael Mora was informed about the expansion plans that William Walker had in mind. This made Mora take the big decision of preparing the nation to fight for freedom and to defend our independence.

A general movilization started immediately and by the beginning of 1856, he already had organized 7.000 soldiers; weapons donated by France , some riffles bought from England, and a group of european instructors.
Mora was convinced that war was imminent,and he tried to bring together the central american countries to fight against the invaders. And so he declared war to Walkers regime.
The National Campaign against Walker,(1856-1857) besides the two main battles at Santa Rosa y Rivas,extended indeed until 1857. But It was at Santa Rosa,when the Costa Rican army defeated Walker , a battle where we lost some of our soldiers in our determination of stoping the filibusters.
The key for victory was the Second Campaign on december 1856-1857.Since there was no inter-oceanic route joining the Atlantic and Pacific a major trade route between New York and San Francisco ran through southern Nicaragua . Ships entered the San Juan River from the Atlantic and sailed across Lake Nicaragua. People and goods would then be transported by carts over a narrow strip of land near the city of Rivas before reaching the Pacific to be shipped to San Francisco. The commercial exploitation of this route had been granted by Nicaragua to the Accessory Transit Company, controlled by Cornelius Vanderbilt .
Walker took up residence in Granada and set himself up as President of Nicaragua, after conducting a fraudulent election. on July 12, 1856, reinstating slavery,and declaring English an official language. United States president Franklin Pierce.recognized Walker's regime as the legitimate government of Nicaragua onMay 20, 1856. Meanwhile, C.K. Garrison and Charles Morgan, subordinates of Cornelius Vanderbilt's Accessory Transit Company, provided financial and logistic assistance to the filibusters in exchange for Walker,  turning the Company over to them.  Cornelious Vanderbilt successfully pressured the U.S. government to withdraw its recognition of Walker's regime.
Mora met on November 1856 with Silvanius Spencer,Vanderbilt´s agent, who offered his help on the capture of the San Juan river Taking control of the route made it impossible for the mercenaries to have access to supplies and ammunition.
In may 1857 Walker surrendered to a U.S. naval officer and returned to the U.S. 

Landing first in New Orleans, he was greeted as a hero. He visited President Buchanan, then went on to New York, all the time seeking support for a return to Nicaragua. Walker returned to Nicaragua in late 1857.without having success. he was arrested by the U.S. Navy.
In 1860 he once again sailed south. and, landed in Honduras, , but the British soon captured him and turned him over to the Hondurans. Six days later, at the age of 36, he was executed by a firing squad.
In Costa Rica, the successful military campaign of 1856-1857 against William Walker became a source of national pride and identity.
Almost 4.000 men lost their lives fighting. Until today no other historic event has caused so many deaths in Costa Rica with the exception of Cholera which caused the loss of almost 10% of our population after the war.
People from all over the country contributed with food, horses, and oxcarts to put them at the service of our soldiers.
Even though the war has its opponents, it became the only resource to stop slavery and to keep independence in the region.
Unfortunately spite of earning acclaim as a national hero for his efforts in that endeavor, President of Costa Rica was overthrown in a coup d´état by his brother in law and coffee baron, Jose Maria Montealegre in August 1859.because of the President´s unwelcome plan to create a national bank not controlled by the coffee elite.
Mora left to El Salvador where his supporters convinced him to launch an attack on Costa Rica and recoup the presidency. After arriving back to the harbor and seizing the port of Puntarenas he was defeated. Mora was executed on the 30th of September 1860, by a firing squad. for attempting to retake office from his brother-in-law.
Today history claims the great vision and determination of a man that guided our Nation to freedom. The execution of Juan Mora Porras has been consider a crime motivated by material and personal interests far from the well being of our Nation.
During Porras government, education (the University of Santo Tomás was built) ,commerce (coffee production), in and industry (inauguration of theNational Liquor Factory) and infrastructure ( he inaugurated the public electric illumination system), culture and science flourished. And for the first time, Costa Rica established a National Bank an institution that still today is considered one of the most important pillars for the country´s economy.
On september 16th, 2010 the Costa Rica Nacional Assembly (House of Representatives) declared Juan Rafael Mora Porras,(1814-1860) our National Hero. His picture was set at the Hall of Freedom Heroes of the Americas,next to those of George Washington, Benito Juárez, Simón Bolívar, José Martí, and Bernardo O’Higgins.

Juan Santamaría (August 29, 1831 - April 11, 1856)
Juan Santamaria is also recognized as a National Hero of the Republic of Costa Rica.
Santamaría, a poor laborer and son of of a single mother, proudly joined the Costa Rican army as a drummer boy . The troops nicknamed him "el erizo" ("the Porcupine") because of his spiked hair.
On April 8, 1856, at Santa Rosa, Guanacaste the Costa Rican troops continued marching north and reached the city of Rivas, Nicaragua . The battle that ensued is known as the Second Battle of Rivas. Combat was fierce and the Costa Ricans were not able to drive Walker's men out of a bunker (El Mesón of Santa Rosa) from which they commanded an advantageous firing position.
On April 11, General Jose María Cañas suggested that one of the soldiers advance towards El Meson with a torch and set it on fire. Two soldiers tried and failed, First a lieutenant from Cartago, Luis Pacheco Bertora, who survived three shots.The second intent was done by a Nicaraguan soldier Joaquín Rosales,who was killed. The third was the drummer boy, Juan Santamaría, who volunteered on the condition that, in the event of his death, someone would look after his mother. He then advanced under the sound of the killing bullets and was mortally wounded but he succeeded, and set ¨The Meson¨ on fire,contributing decisively to the Costa Rican victory at Rivas.
President Mora granted a pension to Santamaria´s mother Manuela.
April 11 is a Costa Rican national holiday in memory of Walker's defeat at Rivas . Juan Santamaría, who played a key role in that battle, is honored as the Costa Rican national hero.
The main.International Airport in Costa Rica in Alajuela is named after him.
Two National Heroes, President Juan Mora Porras, whose wisdom guided a war for the Nation`s freedom, and Juan Santamaria, that drummer boy who sacrificed for his country and perpetuated its independence.

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